
Kasım, 2014 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Adım adım Sıfırdan MVC Proje Videolu

Bootstrap CSS Javascript Eklenti

Template giydirmeyi öğrendikten sonra bu site yardımcı olur. Aşağıdaki Butondan Bootstrap eklentilerini bulabilirsiniz. Tıkla

Code First Entity Framework Site Linkleri

https://www.asp.net/mvc/overview/getting-started/database-first-development/setting-up-database http://www.abdurrahmangungor.com/asp-net-mvc-code-first-ile-veritabani-islemleri-proje-baslangici-asp-net-mvc-yazi-dizisi-11/

MVC Template Giydirme

Asp:Net Template İzle

Pop up Form Oluşturma

***   Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 à Select New Project à Select Web from the Installed Templates à Select ASP.NET MVC3 or MVC4 Web Application à Enter the project name Modal_CRUD_MVC in the Name textbox à Click OK. ****After select the project you can see the following dialog box: Select Empty from the Select a template option à Select Razor view engine à Click OK. ***Add the following Modal classes (Student and StudentContext) in your Model folder: Student class represents the table structure in the database and StudentContext Students property represents the name of table and data of the students in the database. ****Also include Entity framework reference in your project because in this application we are going to use entity framework code first model to add, edit, delete and find records from the database. To include entity framework dll, follow these steps: Go to Project à Manage NuGet Packages à Enter entity framework in the search textbox and search online. You w